Math 53  
Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
                                     Winter, 2007
Office: 383-X (3rd floor, Building 380)

Phone: 723-1862

Office Hours: Mon, Wed: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm or by appointment.
Lectures: Every MWF at either 10:00 - 10:50 or 2:15 - 3:05 in 380Y.
Teaching Assistants
     Name                     Office            email                                 Office hours
       Nathan Brown        380-T        T and W,  4:30 - 6:00 pm  
         Kaiyuan Zhang      380-G       T, 4:00-4:50, Th, 4:00 - 4:50,                                                                                                          
                                                                                                     and   7:00 - 7:50 pm
        Baosen Wu           380-R         M, 4:00-4:50, T, 3:10-4:50,                  
Besides registering in Axess for a lecture section, you must also register in CourseWork
for one of the following six sections :
Section 3 meets in 550-553R  at 11:00 am,  TA: Zhang
Section 4 meets in  90-92Q at 10:00 am, TA: Brown
Section 5 meets in 260-244  at 2:15 pm, TA: Wu
Section 6 meets in MitchB67 at 1:15 pm, TA: Zhang
Section 7 meets in Meyer147 at 11:00 am, TA: Wu
Section 8 meets in 200-013  at 1:15 pm, TA: Brown
Textbook and Syllabus
The textbook for the course is "Differential Equations, with Boundary Value Problems ", 2nd edition,  by Polking, Boggess, and Arnold.
Here is a link to the course  Syllabus
Here is a revised syllabus for the last two weeks of the quarter:  revised syllabus
Course Description and Prerequisites
This is an introductory course in ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The primary focus will be on techniques for finding explicit solutions to ODEs. We will also study some nonlinear equations, elementary numerical methods, and ways of qualitatively describing solutions of ODEs without solving them explicitly. Math 51 or equivalent is required for this course. In particular, you should be familiar with one-variable differentiation and integration, two-variable differentiation, vectors, matrices, systems of linear equations, determinants, and inverses, though some of this material is covered in Chapter 7 of the text and will be briefly reviewed in the course.
Grading Policy
Homework: 10%.

Midterms: 50%.

Final Exam: 40%.
Letter grades are assigned based on relative standing within the class.
Homework Policy
Assignments will consist of a reading assignment and exercises for each class. They will be posted on the web every Thursday and due in section the following Thursday. They will be graded and returned in section the following Thursday.
You are encouraged to discuss any aspect of this class, including the material covered in lectures, the readings, and the problem sets, with anyone, including other students in the class and the SUMO tutors. You can also consult any source that may help you with the class in general and the problem sets in particular. However, you must write your own solutions to the problem sets. As the best way to learn the techniques covered in this class is to practice using them, you are encouraged to work through as many of the odd-numbered exercises in the textbook as possible. You will find answers and solutions to these problems in the textbook and in the student solution manual, respectively.
Exam Schedule
Midterm #1:
Thursday, February 1, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm., Braun Auditorium.
Alternate exam given Thursday, February 1,  4:30 pm - 6:00 pm in room 380-D in the Math Bldg.   If you have an academic conflict and need to take this exam, make sure you let your TA know by Thursday, January 25.
The midterm will cover sections 1.1 - 1.3,   2.1 - 2.8,  and 4.1 - 4.4   You should also be familiar with the applications described in sections 3.1 - 3.4.
REMEMBER: You are responsible for the proofs in section 4.1
Practice Exams.  The practice exams are old midterms (from previous quarters). Remember that those exams may have covered slightly more or less material than our exam.
Here is the midterm from last spring:   mid1spring06
Here is an old midterm with solutions: Old_Midterm1.pdf
Here are the solutions to the first midterm: solutions

Midterm #1 statistics: Mean: 66.5,  Median: 67, Std. deviation: 18.3
        Here is a histogram of the scores.  stats
Midterm #2:
Thursday, March 1, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm., Braun Auditorium.
Alternate exam given Thursday, March 1,  4:30 pm - 6:00 pm in room 380-F in the Math Bldg.   If you have an academic conflict and need to take this exam, make sure you let your TA know by Thursday, February 22.
The midterm will cover sections 4.5 - 4.7, 5.1 - 5.8, 8.1, 9.1-9.2,  9.5
REMEMBER: Review the linear algebra in chapter 7!  You will need to be able to use it!
Here is a table of LaPlace transforms.  laplace.pdf    You will be given a table of LaPlace transforms on the exam.
Here is a practice exam (the exam given last year)   mid206.pdf  
 Here are the solutions: solutions
Here are the solutions to the second midterm:   solutions
Midterm #2 statistics: Mean: 65,  Median: 65, Std. deviation: 16.7
        Here is a histogram of the scores.  stats

Final Exam::
Monday,  March 19,    7-10 pm.  Annenberg Auditorium
There will be no make-up time for the final exam.
Here is a practice exam    practicefinal
Here are the solutions:    solutions
No calculators will be allowed during the exams.
Tutoring Help
The Stanford University Mathematics Organization (SUMO) holds homework/tutoring help session for all students in the Math 50 series, i.e. 51, 52, 53.  These tutoring sessions will be every Monday and Wednesday evening, from 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm, in room 381-T in the Math building.  This is a great way to get extra help on your homework!
CourseWork is a web-based program that will be used in Math 53 to allow students to check grades online, and the instructor to email important Math 53 information to the entire class. It is a secure program, so your grades will be available through CourseWork only to you. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR A SECTION THROUGH COURSEWORK!!!  
Here is a link to CourseWork.
     Homework 1.  Due Thursday, January 18, in class.
                        Section 2.4 p. 55-56 #4, 6, 18
        2.5 p. 61-62 #4
        2.2 p. 35-37 #4, 10, 18, 34
        2.3 p. 44-46 #4, 11
        3.3 p. 126-127 #6, 7, 11, 12a,b
        3.4 p. 131-132 #14
Here is a solution set to the first HW assignment:  solution1
           Homework 2.  Due Thursday, January 25, in class.
                         Section 2.6   #10, 14, 26
                   2.7: #4, 10, 26
                   2.8: #16
                   2.9: #8, 9, 20, 28
                   3.1: #2, 12, 18
                   4.1: #4, 12, 14
        Here is a solution set to the second HW assignment: solution2  
           Homework 3.  Due Thursday, February 8, in class.  
            Section 4.5:#2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 20, 26
                    4.6: #2, 6, 14
                    4.7: #10a, 12, 13  
     Here is a solution set to the third HW assignment: solution3
          Homework 4.  Due Thursday, February 15, in class.
            Section 5.1  #6, 10
                    5.2   #6, 10
        5.3   #4, 6, 16, 26, 30
        5.4   #2, 6, 10, 20, 27
        5.5   #2, 6
        5.6   #4, 8,
Here is a solution set to the fourth HW assignment:  solution4
          Homework 5.  Due Thursday, February 22, in class.
               Section 5.7  #6, 12, 18, 22
                       8.1  #2, 8
                       9.1  #2, 53, 54
Here is a solution set to the fifth HW assignment:  solution5
          Homework 6.  Due Thursday, March 8, in class.
               Section 9.3  #11, 13, 14
                       9.6  #2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 18, 26, 36                      
              Here is a solution set to the sixth HW assignment:   solution6
    Homework 7.  Due Thursday, March 15, in class.
                                    Section        9.8  #2, 6, 12, 18
                                                        9.7      #3, 4,  9
                                                        9.9     #3, 4
                                                        6.1  #11
               Here is a solution set to the seventh HW assignment:   solution7