Ralph L. Cohen

Ralph L.Cohen
Barbara Kimball Browning Professor
in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Emeritus
Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
Stanford University

Email: rlc@stanford.edu

Current CV

Current Publication list

Research interests

Click here for some of my recent papers.

I am in the process of compiling lecture notes from many courses in Algebraic and Differential Topology that I've taught over the years, and turning them into a book. The focus of these notes is the algebraic topology of manifolds, and will include such topics as intersection theory, immersions, embeddings, homotopy theory (including fibrations and cofibrations, spectral sequences, spectra and the Steenrod algebra), Morse theory (including moduli spaces of gradient flow lines), cobordism theory (including a calculation of unoriented and almost complex cobordism, a discussion of framed cobordism including framed surgery and the Kervaire invariant, and a discussion of the topology of cobordism categories), and bundle theory (including characteristic classes, and basic gauge theory), These notes are not as of yet in final form, but I will continue to update the manuscript available here as my writing progresses.

Click here for the latest version of the notes.

Version date: September 30, 2024.

Its tentative title is "Bundles, Homotopy, and Manifolds"


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