Academic programThe workshop will feature lectures and small working groups. On Sunday evening, there will be an orientation meeting (Cascade Room, at the dorm, 6-8 pm). During the week (Monday to Friday), the schedule will be as follows.
8:30-9:30 lecture (Savery Hall 239 )
During the coffee break on Monday, everyone not yet signed up with a particular working group will meet with Herb Clemens, to be divided up. There are two cafeteria options: one at McMahon (one of the dorms) and another in the Student Union Building ("HUB"). On Friday evening, there will be a concluding plenary meeting (Cascade room, at the dorm, 6:30-8:30 pm). There will be access to a computer lab 7-8 pm Monday to Friday, in Communications B022. There should be other e-mail access available through the libraries. (For a map of campus, click here.) LecturesThe titles are below. Click here to read the abstracts. Click here to read the lecture notes. Chuck Doran has kindly offered to eventually post videos of all the lectures.Monday
Wednesday Thursday Friday
Working groupsEach group will have 5-10 people in it. The titles and group members are given below. (The remaining participants will be placed into groups on the morning of the first day of the workshop.) Click on the titles to read the abstracts.
A Introduction to algebraic groups
(Daniel Allcock,
MEB 251
B Geometry of derived categories
(David Ben-Zvi, Texas)
MEB 235
C Stable maps and Gromov-Witten theory
(Jim Bryan, British Columbia)
SAV 311
D Introductory Schubert calculus
(Linda Chen, Ohio State)
SAV 315
Algebraic geometry in string theory
(Ron Donagi, Penn)
MEB 250
Degeneration methods in algebraic geometry
(Gavril Farkas, Texas)
SAV 343
Stable maps from rational curves to projective space
(Angela Gibney, Penn)
LOW 222
Introduction to stacks
(Tom Graber, Berkeley)
SAV 313
Density of rational points
(Brendan Hassett, Rice)
SIG 230
Foliations and rationally connected
(Stefan Kebekus, Cologne)
SAV 316
Deformation theory and moduli spaces of abelian varieties
in positive characteristic
(Elena Mantovan, Berkeley)
SAV 335
Higher dimensional geometry and the minimal model program
(James McKernan, Santa Barbara) MEB 103
Positivity in combinatorial algebraic geometry
(Ezra Miller, Minnesota)
MUE 154
Singularities in birational geometry
(Mircea Mustata, Michigan) SAV 245
Brill-Noether theory
(Mike Roth, Queens)
MOR 226
Points of order 11 on elliptic curves
(Tom Weston, Massachusetts)
SAV 341
During the three-week conference, we will have a related talk: Miles Reid will give an expository lecture titled "K3s and Fano 3-folds, Tom and Jerry" (Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm, EE 105). Miles Reid is a spectacular lecturer and you are strongly encouraged to check this out. We will have a drop-in center on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the three-week conference (Communications B006, 7-9 pm) where you are invited to come and ask questions related to the plenary lectures (no matter how seemingly simple or foundational the questions are). You can also just come to hear the answers to questions other people ask. We will have a volunteer expert on hand for most plenaries. The experts corresponding to each plenary speaker are listed below. (If you know of someone willing to volunteer for one of our empty slots, please let us know!)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3