Algebraic geometry at Stanford
There is a fair bit of algebraic geometry at Stanford, and
as some of it is in somewhat unexpected places,
this page is intended to point out where it is.
We have an algebraic geometry mailing list, where
news will be sporadically sent. If you're interested, subscribe by
going to
and filling out the form. To mail to the list, e-mail
We have an active algebraic geometry seminar at Stanford, which meets
weekly. We have a student seminar. We have had an algebraic geometry colloquium joint with Berkeley and Davis which
meets four times per year (which may resume at some point).
We are one of the founders of the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium,
a twice-yearly conference rotating around
the western U.S. and Canada. We hosted the first regular WAGS
in spring 2003, and hosted the spring 2011 WAGS.
We often send students to conferences.
There are often talks in the topology, number theory, and symplectic
geometry seminars that
are related.
People in algebraic geometry
Along with Jun Li and myself, we have a number of postdoctoral, younger faculty and associates in the area:
Anthony Bak (algebraic geometry connected to mathematical physics)
Daniel Erman (commuative algebra and algebraic geometry)
Christian Liedtke (arithmetic algebraic geometry, visiting from Germany)
Jonathan Wise (algebraic geometry and Gromov-Witten theory, back in 2011)
Melanie Wood (arithmetic to algebraic geometry)
Dimitri Zvonkine (moduli of curves and many related things)
I haven't bothered adding links to their webpages; just
go to the department homepage or google to find them.
(Some of the other great people who have been here during their postdoctoral years in the last little while:
Aleksey Zinger, Dragos Oprea, Alina Marian, Sam Payne, Matt Kahle. I wrote down a list somewhere and lost it, so I'm sure I've forgotten some people --- please remind me!)
There are also a good number of
smart graduate students around who think about algebraic
geometry (often in combination with something else) and
are interesting to talk with, including the following.
(The first three are working with me.)
Atoshi Choudhury
Yuncheng Lin
Daniel Litt
Rebecca Bellovin
Julio Gutierrez
Brandon Levin
Sam Lichtenstein
Mike Lipnowski
Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo
many other students with algebro-geometric interests.
Faculty with related interests
Besides Jun Li and myself, there are a large number of people
for algebraic geometers to talk with. Some of them
may be shocked to find they are on such a list.
In alphabetical order
(with some algebro-geometric-related interests):
Greg Brumfiel (topology and real algebraic geometry)
Dan Bump (arithmetic geometry and automorphic forms)
Gunnar Carlsson (etale homotopy theory)
Ralph Cohen (moduli spaces of curves)
Brian Conrad (number theory and arithmetic geometry)
Persi Diaconis (combinatorics, toric varieties, and more)
Yasha Eliashberg (symplectic geometry, e.g. Gromov-Witten theory)
Soren Galatius (moduli space of curves)
Eleny Ionel (moduli of curves and Gromov-Witten theory,
from the point of view of symplectic geometry)
Rafe Mazzeo (analysis on singular spaces)
Maryam Mirzakhani (moduli space of curves, hyperbolic geometry)
Andras Vasy (analysis on singular spaces)
Akshay Venkatesh (number theory and arithmetic geometry)
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