Arithmetic Geometry and Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry

Titles and Abstracts





Valery Alexeev (Fri 11:45)

Concrete compactifications of moduli spaces of surfaces of general type

Fabrizio Catanese (Tu 16:00)

The classification of surfaces with geometric genus 0, and some of their moduli spaces

Jung-Kai Chen (Mon 16:00)

Explicit birational geometry in dimension three

Lawrence Ein (Tu 10:15)

ACC conjecture for log-canonical thresholds for smooth varieties

Barbara Fantechi (Th 16:00)

On the Proof of the degeneration formula for GW invariants

Philipp Habegger (Mon 10:25)

Torsion points on certain families of abelian varieties and heights

Lothar Goettsche (Fri 9:00)

Generating Functions for Sections of Line Bundles on Moduli of Sheaves on Surfaces

Jun-Muk Hwang (Th 10:15)

Non-algebraically integrable foliations of general type

Wei-Ping Li (Fri 10:15)

Some computations of higher rank DT invariants

Devesh Maulik (Th 11:45)

Hodge classes in the GW theory of K3 surfaces

Ngaiming Mok (Wed 10:15)

Geometry of holomorphic maps into bounded symmetric domains

Hiraku Nakajima (Tu 11:45)

Perverse Coherent Sheaves on Blow-Up

Martin Olsson (Wed 9:00)

Some results on independence of l for actions of correspondences

Jason Starr (Th 9:00)

Weak approximation and R-equivalence over function fields of curves

Xiao-Tao Sun (Tu 14:30)

Stability of sheaves of locally closed forms and exact forms

Ji-Long Tong (Mon 11:55)

Theta divisor and differential forms

Angelo Vistoli (Mon 14:30)

Parabolic sheaves on logarithmic schemes

Chin-Lung Wang (Mon 9:10)

Analytic continuations of quantum cohomology along the Kähler moduli

Olivier Wittenberg (Tu 9:00)

Existence of zero-cycles on fibrations over number fields

Chen-Yang Xu (Th 14:30)

Strong rational connectedness of surfaces and its application


Hwang: Non-algebraically integrable foliations of general type

In a jointwork with E. Viehweg, we prove a criterion for a foliation of rank 1 on a nonsingular projective variety to be non-algebraically integrable, i.e., its leaves are not algebraic curves. As a corollary, we prove that the characteristic foliation on a smooth hypersurface of general type in a projective symplectic manifold is not algebraically integrable.

Starr: Weak approximation and R-equivalence over function fields of curves

Hassett and Tschinkel's weak approximation conjecture predicts that for every projective, rationally connected variety over the function field of a complex curve, for every point of the curve and corresponding embedding of the function field in the Laurent series field, every Laurent series point of the variety is approximated to arbitrary order by function field points. Mike Roth and I prove this conjecture under the hypothesis that every pair of Laurent series points is R-equivalent (connected by a P^1 defined over that field) or even just "pseudo R-equivalent". This is a continuous variant of R-equivalence when working over complete DVRS which still implies Brauer equivalence.
Using this, Roth and I give new proofs of all known cases of the Hassett-Tschinkel conjecture, and we give some new cases. The key tool is an open immersion of the Hilbert scheme into an Artin stack parameterizing "pseudo ideal sheaves", which is a generalization of Fulton's notion of effective pseudo divisors.

Vistoli: Parabolic sheaves on logarithmic schemes

This is joint work with Niels Borne (Université de Lille). We show how the natural context for the definition of parabolic sheaves on a scheme is that of logarithmic geometry. The key point is a reformulation of the concept of logarithmic structure in the language of symmetric monoidal categories, which might be of independent interest.

Wang: Analytic continuations of quantum cohomology along the Kähler moduli

It is well known that while the cohomology groups are invariant under ordinary flops, the product structure is in general not preserved. Nevertheless, It has been conjectured that the big quantum product will be preserved after an analytic continuation over the extended Kahler moduli.
For simple flops, this has been verified by Li-Ruan for 3-folds and by Lee-Lin-Wang for higher dimensional cases. The main purpose of this talk is to discuss recent progresses by Lee-Lin-Wang for non-simple ordinary flops through 2 basic examples, Calabi-Yau as well as non Calabi-Yau ones. The major new input is certain renormalization process via Birkhoff factorization and the generalized mirror map.

Meng Chen
Hélène Esnault
Jun Li
Sheng-Li Tan
Eckart Viehweg
Meng Chen
Jun Li
Kefeng Liu
Sheng-Li Tan
Conference sponsored by: Zhejiang University, East China Normal University, Fudan University
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