Take shuttle bus from Shanghai Pudong airport to Hangzhou. Airport Shuttle to Hang-Zhou: at Pudong Airport is located at parking lot 1, level !, A6-A11.
In case you are arriving early or late, contact qysun@cms.zju.edu.cn
Or call: 13186965762 (Mr. Sun)
Various ways of leaving Hangzhou can be accomodated and arranged during the conference. To depart immediately after the Hangzhou conference, any flight leaving Shanghai Pudong airport on July 21 will work. Leaving from Lijiang, the conference will provide airticket to major airport in China for invited participants. Please contact qysun@cms.zju.edu.cnto let hhim know your plan ahead of time.
The conference will provide travel and lodging for invited participants. For other participants, partial support of lodging is available, depending on the funding situation. To apply for support, write to qysun@cms.zju.edu.cn
Please inform us your travel plan ahead of time so appropriate arrangement will be make. Send all information to qysun@cms.zju.edu.cn.