Solomon Feferman Publications
- Formal Consistency Proofs and Interpretability of
Theories. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, July
- Degrees of unsolvability associated with classes of formalized
theories, J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 22, pp. 161-175,
- (with R. L. Vaught), The first order properties of products of
algebraic systems, Fund. Math., vol. 47, pp. 57-103,
- (with A. Ehrenfeucht), Representability of recursively
enumerable sets in formal theories, Arch. Math. Logik
Grundlagenforsch., vol. 5, pp. 37-41, 1959.
- Arithmetization of metamathematics in a general setting,
Fund. Math., vol. 49, pp. 35-92, 1960.
- (with G. Kreisel and S. Orey), 1-consistency and faithful
interpretations, Arch. Math. Logik Grundlagenforsch., vol.
5, pp. 52-63, 1960.
- Classifications of recursive functions by means of
hierarchies, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 104, pp.
101-122, 1962.
- Transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories,
J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 27, pp. 259-316, 1962.
- (with C. Spector), Incompleteness along paths in progressions
of theories, J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 27, pp. 383-390,
- Systems of predicative analysis, J. Symbolic Logic,
vol. 29, pp. 1-30, 1964.
- Some applications of the notions of forcing and generic sets
(Summary), in The Theory of Models, (Proc. 1963 Internat.
Sympos., Berkeley), pp. 89-95, North-Holland, Amsterdam,
- Some applications of the notions of forcing and generic sets,
Fund. Math., vol. 56, pp. 325-345, 1965.
- The Number Systems. Foundations of Algebra and
Addison-Wesley, Reading, xii + 418 pp., 1964.
- (with G. Kreisel), Persistent and invariant formulas relative
to theories of higher order, (Research Announcement) Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 72, pp. 480-485, 1966.
- Predicative provability in set theory, (Research
Announcement) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 72, pp. 486-489,
- Systems of predicative analysis, II. Representations of
ordinals, J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 33, pp. 193-220,
- Autonomous transfinite progressions and the extent of
predicative mathematics, in Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy
of Science III, (Proc. 3rd Internat. Congr., Amsterdam, 1967),
pp. 121-135, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1968.
- Persistent and invariant formulas for outer extensions,
Compositio Math., vol. 20, pp. 29-52, 1968.
- Lectures on proof theory, in Proceedings of the Summer
School in Logic, (Leeds, 1967), Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
vol. 70, pp. 1-107, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968.
- Hereditarily replete functionals over the ordinals, in
Intuitionism and Proof Theory, (Proc. Conf., Buffalo, 1968),
pp. 289-301, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.
- Formal theories for transfinite iterations of generalized
inductive definitions and some subsystems of analysis, in
Intuitionism and Proof Theory, (Proc. Conf., Buffalo,
1968), pp. 303-326, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.
- Set-theoretical foundations of category theory, in Reports
of the Midwest Category Seminar, III, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics, vol. 106, pp. 201-247, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
(with an Appendix by G. Kreisel).
- Predicatively reducible systems of set theory, in
Axiomatic Set Theory, Proc. Sympos. in Pure Math. vol. XIII,
Part 2, pp. 11-32, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1974.
- Ordinals and functionals in proof theory, in Actes du
Congrès International des Mathématiciens (Nice)
1970, vol. 1, pp. 229-233, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971.
- Infinitary properties, local functors, and systems of ordinal
functions, in Conference in Mathematical Logic - London '70,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 255, pp. 63-97,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972.
- Applications of many-sorted interpolation theorems, in
Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium, Proc. Sympos. in Pure
Math., vol. XXV, pp. 205-223, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence,
- Intuitionism (part of an article on ``Mathematics, foundations
of''), in Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed. pp. 633-635 and
p. 639, 1974.
- Two notes on abstract model theory. I. Properties invariant on
the range of definable relations between structures, Fund.
Math., vol. 82, pp. 153-165, 1974.
- Two notes on abstract model theory. II. Languages for which
the set of valid sentences is semi-invariantly implicitly
definable, Fund. Math., vol. 89, pp. 111-130, 1975.
- Recursion in total functionals of finite type, Compositio
Math., vol. 35, pp. 3-22, 1977.
- A language and axioms for explicit mathematics, in Algebra
and Logic, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 450, pp. 87-139,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975.
- A more perspicuous formal system for predicativity, in
Konstruktionen versus Positionen, I, pp. 68-93, Walter de
Gruyter, Berlin, 1979.
- Impredicativity of the existence of the largest divisible
subgroup of an Abelian p-group, in Model Theory and Algebra. A
Memorial Tribute to A. Robinson, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
vol. 498, pp. 117-130, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975.
- Non-extensional type-free theories of partial operations and
classifications, I, in Proof Theory Symposion, Kiel, 1974,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 500, pp. 73-118,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975.
- Generating schemes for partial recursively continuous
functionals (summary), in Colloque International de Logique,
(Clermont-Ferrand, 1975), pp. 191-198, Èditions du
C.N.R.S., Paris, 1977.
- Theories of finite type related to mathematical practice, in
Handbook of Mathematical Logic, pp. 913-971, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1977.
- Categorical foundations and foundations of category theory, in
Logic, Foundations of Mathematics and Computability Theory,
(Proc. 5th Internat. Cong. Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy
of Science, London, Ont., 1975), vol. 1, pp. 149-169, Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1977.
- Generalizing set-theoretical model theory and an analogue
theory on admissible sets, in Essays on Mathematical and
Philosophical Logic, Synthese Library, vol. 22, pp. 171-195,
Reidel, Dordrecht, 1979.
- Review of Proof Theory by G. Takeuti, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc., vol. 83, pp. 351-361, 1977.
- Inductive schemata and recursively continuous functionals, in
Logic Colloquium '76 (Proc. Oxford Conference), pp.
373-392, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977.
- Recursion theory and set theory: a marriage of convenience, in
Generalized Recursion Theory II, pp. 55-98, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1978.
- Review of Proof Theory by K. Schütte, Bull.
(New Series) Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 1, pp. 224-228, 1979.
- What does logic have to tell us about mathematical proofs?,
The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 2, pp. 20-24,
- Constructive theories of functions and classes, in Logic
Colloquium '78, (Proc. Mons Colloq.), pp. 159-224,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979.
- The logic of mathematical discovery vs. the logical structure
of mathematics, in PSA 1978, pp. 309-327, Philosophy of
Science Assoc., East Lansing, 1978.
- (with P. Aczel), Consistency of the unrestricted abstraction
principle using an intensional equivalence operator, in To H.
B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and
Formalism, pp. 67-98, Academic Press, New York, 1980.
- Progressões transfinitas recursivas de teorias
axiomáticas (translation of ``Transfinite recursive
progressions of axiomatic theories''), in O Teorema de
Gödel e a Hipótese do Contínuo, pp.
573-754, Fundacão C. Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 1979.
- As progressões tranfinitas autónomas e a
extensão da matemática predicativa (translation of
``Autonomous transfinite progressions and the extent of
predicative mathematics''), in O Teorema de Gödel e a
Hipótese do Contínuo, pp. 755-790,
Fundacão C. Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 1979.
- Sistemas de análise predicativa (translation of
``Systems of predicative analysis''), in O Teorema de
Gödel e a Hipótese do Contínuo, pp.
790-866, Fundacão C. Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 1979.
- (with W. Buchholz, W. Pohlers, and W. Sieg), Iterated
Inductive Definitions and Subsystems of Analysis: Recent
Proof-theoretical Studies, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol.
897, 388 pps.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
- How we got from there to here, in Iterated Inductive
Definitions and Subsystems of Analysis: Recent Proof-theoretical
Studies, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 897, pp. 1-15,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
- (with W. Sieg), Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems
of analysis, in Iterated Inductive Definitions and Subsystems
of Analysis: Recent Proof-theoretical Studies, Lecture Notes
in Mathematics, vol. 897, pp. 16-77, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- (with W. Sieg), Proof-theoretic equivalences between classical
and constructive theories for analysis, in Iterated Inductive
Definitions and Subsystems of Analysis: Recent Proof-theoretical
Studies, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 897, pp. 78-142,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
- Iterated inductive fixed-point theories: application to
Hancock's conjecture, in Patras Logic Symposion, pp.
171-196, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
- Inductively presented systems and the formalization of
meta-mathematics, in Logic Colloquium '80, pp. 95-128,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
- A theory of variable types, Revista Colombiana de
Matématicas, (Proc. Latin Amer. Logic Symp.,
Bogotá 1981), vol. 19, pp. 95-105, 1985.
- Monotone inductive definitions, in The L. E. J. Brouwer
Centenary Symposium, pp. 77-89, North-Holland, Amsterdam,
- (with G. Jäger), Choice principles, the bar rule and
autonomously iterated comprehension schemes in analysis, J.
Symbolic Logic, vol. 48, pp. 63-70, 1983.
- Toward useful type-free theories, I, J. Symbolic Logic,
vol. 49, pp. 75-111, 1984.
- Working foundations, Synthese, vol. 62, pp. 229-254,
- Foundational ways, in Perspectives in Mathematics, pp.
147-158, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1984.
- Kurt Gödel: conviction and caution, Philosophia
Naturalis, vol. 21, pp. 546-562, 1984.
- Between constructive and classical mathematics, in
Computation and Proof Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
vol. 1104, pp. 143-162, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984.
- Intensionality in mathematics, J. Philosophical Logic,
vol. 14, pp. 41-55, 1985.
- (with J. Barwise, eds.), Model-theoretic Logics, xviii
+ 893 pp.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985.
- (with J.W. Dawson, Jr., S. C. Kleene, G. H. Moore, R. M.
Solovay, and J. van Heijenoort, eds.), Kurt Gödel.
Collected Works, Vol. I. Publications 1929-1936.
Oxford Univ. Press, New York, xvi + 474 pp., 1986.
- Gödel's life and work, in Kurt Gödel. Collected
Works, Vol. I. Publications 1929-1936, pp. 1-36, Oxford Univ.
Press, New York, 1986.
- Proof theory: a personal report, Appendix to Proof Theory,
2nd edn., by G. Takeuti, pp. 447-485, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1987.
- Infinity in mathematics: is Cantor necessary?, in
L'infinito nella scienza (Infinity in Science), pp. 151-209,
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, 1987.
- Hilbert's program relativized: proof-theoretical and
foundational reductions, J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 53, pp.
364-384, 1988.
- Turing in the land of 0(z), in The Universal Turing
Machine. A Half-century Survey, pp. 113-147, Oxford Univ.
Press, Oxford, 1988.
- Weyl vindicated: Das Kontinuum 70 years later, in
Temi e prospettive della logica e della filosofia della scienza
contemporanee, vol. I, pp. 59-93, CLUEB, Bologna, 1988.
- Polymorphic typed lambda-calculi in a type-free axiomatic
framework, in Logic and Computation, Comtemporary
Mathematics, vol. 106, pp. 101-136, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence,
- Finitary inductively presented logics, in Logic Colloquium
'88, pp. 191-220, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1989; reprinted in What is a Logical System? (D. S. Gabbay, ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford (1994), 297-328.
- Kurt Gödel: conviction and caution, reprinting in
Gödel's Theorem in Focus, pp. 96-114, Croom Helm,
London, 1988.
- The Number Systems. Foundations of Algebra and Analysis,
2nd ed.
Chelsea Pub. Co., New York, xii + 418 pp., 2nd ed., 1989.
- (with J.W. Dawson, Jr., S. C. Kleene, G. H. Moore, R. M.
Solovay, and J. van Heijenoort, eds.), Kurt Gödel.
Collected Works, Vol. II, Publications 1938-1974.
Oxford Univ. Press, New York, xv + 407 pp., 1990.
- Reflecting on incompleteness, J. Symbolic Logic, vol.
56, pp. 1-49, 1991.
- Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs,
in Logic from Computer Science, pp. 95-127, MSRI Pubs. vol.
21, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.
- Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs,
II. Logics of strength PRA, in Proof Theory (Leeds Proof
Theory Programme 1990), pp. 197-225, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1993.
- Turing's `Oracle': From absolute to relative computability -
and back, in The Space of Mathematics, pp. 314-348, Walter
de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992.
- Proofs of termination and the ``91'' function, in
Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation.
Papers in honor of John McCarthy, pp. 47-63, Academic Press,
Boston, 1991.
- Working foundations - `91, in Bridging the Gap: Philosophy,
Mathematics and Physics, Boston Studies in the Philos. of
Science vol. 140, pp. 99-124, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993.
- A new approach to abstract data types, I. Informal
development, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,
vol. 2, pp. 193-229, 1992.
- A new approach to abstract data types, II. Computability on
ADTs as ordinary computation, in Computer Science Logic,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 626, pp. 79-95,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.
- Jean van Heijenoort's scholarly work, Appendix to Politics,
Logic and Love. The Life of Jean van Heijenoort, by A.B.
Feferman, pp. 371-390, A. K. Peters Ltd., Wellesley, 1993.
- The development of programs for the foundations of mathematics
in the first third of the 20th century.
To appear in Storia del XX secolo: Logica, Istituto della
Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome.
- Julia Bowman Robinson, December 8, 1919 - July 30, 1985.
Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
63, 453-478, 1994.
- What rests on what? The proof-theoretic analysis of
mathematics, in Philosophy of Mathematics, Part I, pp.
147-171, Proceedings of the 15th International Wittgenstein
Symposium, Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna, 1993.
- Why a little bit goes a long way: Logical foundations of
scientifically applicable mathematics, in PSA 1992, Vol.
II, 442-455, 1993.
- (with G. Hellman), Predicative foundations of arithmetic.
J. Philosophical Logic 24, 1-17, 1995.
- (with G. Jäger), Systems of explicit mathematics with
Part I.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65, 243-263, 1993.
- Gödel's Dialectica interpretation and its two-way
stretch, in Computational Logic and Proof Theory, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 713, 23-40, 1993.
- (with J.W. Dawson, Jr., W. Goldfarb, C. Parsons, and R.M.
Solovay, eds.), Kurt Gödel. Collected Works, Vol. III,
Unpublished essays and lectures.
Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.
- (with G. Jäger), Systems of explicit mathematics with
Part II, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79, 37-52,
- Ordinal logics, The Cambridge Dictionary of
Philosophy, 550-551, 1995.
- Reflection principles, The Cambridge Dictionary of
Philosophy, 682, 1995.
- Ordinal logics (entry in the Routledge Encyclopedia of
- Kreisel's ``unwinding'' program, in Kreiseliana. A.K.
Peters Ltd. 1996, 247-273.
- Deciding the undecidable: Wrestling with Hilbert's Problems.
(Inaugural address, Stanford, May 13, 1994; Ch.1 in item
- Penrose's Gödelian argument, PSYCHE 2 (1996), 21-32.
- Definedness, Erkenntnis 43, 295-320, 1995.
- Computation on abstract data types. The extensional approach,
with an application to streams, Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, 81 (1996) 75-113.
- Proof theory, to appear in Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Supplement, MacMillan Pub. Co.
- Gödel's program for new axioms: Why, where, how and
what?, in Gödel '96, Lecture Notes in Logic 6
(1996), 3-22.
- (Editor) The Collected Works of Julia Robinson,
American Mathematical Society (1996).
- (with G. Hellman) Challenges to predicative foundations of
arithmetic. in G. Sher and R. Tieszen, eds., Between Logic and
Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons, Kluwer Academic
Publishers (1999) 317-339
- (with T. Strahm) The unfolding of non-finitist arithmetic.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104 (2000), 75-96.
- In the Light of Logic. Oxford University Press, 1998,
xii + 340 pp.
- Does mathematics need new axioms?, Amer. Math. Monthly
106 (1999), 99-111.
- My route to arithmetization. Theoria 63(1997),
- (with J. Avigad) Gödel's functional ("Dialectica")
interpretation, in The Handbook of Proof Theory (S.
Buss, ed.), North-Holland Pub. Co. (1998) 337-405.
- Three conceptual problems that bug me. (Lecture text for 7th
Scandinavian Logic Symposium, 1996).
- Tarski and Gödel between the lines, in Tarski and the
Vienna Circle (J. Wolenski and E. Köhler, eds.), Kluwer
Academic Publishers (1998), 53-63.
- Highlights in proof theory, in Proof Theory (V.F.
Hendricks et al., eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000),
- The significance of Hermann Weyl's Das Kontinuum,
ibid., 179-194.
- Relationships between constructive, predicative and classical
systems of analysis, ibid., 221-236.
- Mathematical intuition vs. mathematical monsters.
Synthese 125 (2000), 317-332.
- Ah, Chu. In JFAK. Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on
the Occasion of his Fiftieth Birthday, Amsterdam Univ. Press
(1999), CD-ROM only.
- Logic, logics, and logicism. Notre Dame J. of Formal
Logic 40 (1999), 31-54.
- Does reductive proof theory have a viable rationale?
Erkenntnis 53 (2000), 63-96.
- Alfred Tarski and a watershed conference in logic: Cornell
1957, in (J. Hintikka, et al., eds.) Philosophy and Logic. In
search of the Polish tradition, Synthese Library vol. 323,
Kluwer Acad. Pubs. (2003), 151-162.
- Does mathematics need new axioms? (Proceedings of a
symposium), with Harvey M. Friedman, Penelope Maddy, and John. R.
Steel. Bull. of Symbolic Logic 6 (2000) 401-446.
- Why the programs for new axioms need to be questioned. (In
preceding item.) Bull. Symbolic Logic 6, 401-413.
- In memoriam: Kenneth Jon Barwise, 1942-2000. Bull. Symbolic
Logic 6 (2000) 505-508.
- Tarski's conception of logic. Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic 126 (2004) 5-13.
- Tarski's conceptual analysis of semantical notions,
Sémantique et épistémologie (A.
Benmakhlouf, ed.) Editions Le Fennec, Casablanca (2004)
[distrib. J. Vrin, Paris) 79-108. Reprinted in (D. Patterson, ed.) New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy, Oxford Univ. Press (2008), 72-93.
- Predicativity. The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of
Mathematics and Logic (S. Shapiro ed.), Oxford University
Press, Oxford (2005) 590-624.
- Kurt Gödel. Collected Works. Vol. IV. Correspondence
A-G (as editor-in-chief, with J. W. Dawson, Jr., Warren
Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg, co-editors). Oxford
University Press (Oxford), 2003.
- Kurt Gödel. Collected Works. Vol. V. Correspondence
H-Z (as editor-in-chief, with J. W. Dawson, Jr., Warren
Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg, co-editors). Oxford
University Press (Oxford), 2003.
- Typical ambiguity: trying to have your cake and eat it too,
One Hundred Years of Russell's Paradox (G. Link, ed.),
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (2004) 131-151.
- What kind of logic is "Independence Friendly" logic?, in
The Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka (Randall E. Auxier and
Lewis E. Hahn, eds.), Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court
(2006), 453-469.
- Comments on "Predicativity as a philosophical position" by G.
Hellman, Review Internationale de Philosophie (special
issue, Russell en héritage. Le centenaire des
Principles, Ph. de Rouilhan, ed.) 229 (no. 3, 2004),
- The Gödel editorial project: A synopsis, Bull.
Symbolic Logic 11 (2005) 132-149.
- Enriched stratified systems for the foundations of category
theory, in What is Category Theory? (G. Sica, ed.)
Polimetrica, Milano (2006), 185-203; reprinted in (G. Sommaruga, ed.), Foundational Theories of Classical and Constructive Mathematics, Springer, Dordrecht (2011), 127-143.
- Are there absolutely unsolvable problems? Gödel's
dichotomy, Philosophia Mathematica (2006) 14(2): 134-152.
- Review of Incompleteness. The proof and paradox of Kurt
Gödel, by Rebecca Goldstein, London Review of
Books vol. 28 no. 3 (9 Feb. 2006).
- The impact of the incompleteness theorems on mathematics,
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 53, no.4
(April 2006), 434-439.
- Turing's thesis, Notices American Mathematical Society, 53 no. 10 (Nov. 2006), 1200-1205.
- Lieber Herr Bernays! Lieber Herr Gödel! Gödel on finitism, constructivity and Hilbert's program, Dialectica 62 (2008), 179-203. (This is a preprint of the following; the differences are of an editorial nature.)
- Lieber Herr Bernays! Lieber Herr Gödel! Gödel on finitism, constructivity and Hilbert's program, in (M. Baaz, et al., eds.) Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics. Horizons of Truth, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2011), 111-133.
- Harmonious logic: Craig's interpolation theorem and its descendants, Synthese 164, no. 3 (2008), 341-357.
- Axioms for determinateness and truth, The Review of Symbolic Logic 1, no. 2 (2008), 204-217.
- Philosophy of Mathematics: 5 questions, in (V. F. Hendricks and H. Leitgeb, eds.) Philosophy of Mathematics: 5 Questions, Automatic Press/VIP (2008) 115-135.
- Gödel, Nagel, minds and machines, J. of Philosophy CVI no. 4 (2009), 201-219. (Ernest Nagel Lecture, Columbia University, Sept. 27, 2007).
- Operational set theory and small large cardinals, Information and Computation 207 (2009), 971-979.
- Modernism in mathematics, review of Plato's Ghost by Jeremy Gray, American Scientist 97 no. 5 (2009), 417.
- Conceptions of the continuum, Intellectica 51 (2009), 169-189.
- The unfolding of finitist arithmetic (with Thomas Strahm), The Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2010), 665-689.
- Set-theoretical invariance criteria for logicality, Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic 51 (2010), 3-20.
- Gödel's incompleteness theorems, free will and mathematical thought, in (R. Swinburne, ed.) Free Will and Modern Science, Oxford Univ. Press for the British Academy, Oxford (2011), 102-122.
- On the strength of some semi-constructive theories, in (S. Feferman and W. Sieg, eds.) Proof, Categories and Computation: Essays in Honor of Grigori Mints, College Publications, London (2010), 109-129; reprinted in (U. Berger, et al., eds.) Logic, Construction, Computation, Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt (2012), 201-22.
- The proof theory of classical and constructive inductive definitions. A 40 year saga, 1968-2008, in (R. Schindler, ed.)Ways of Proof Theory, Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt (2010), 7-30. (Wolfram Pohlers Festschrift volume).
- Axiomatizing truth: Why and how, in (U. Berger, et al., eds.) Logic, Construction, Computation, Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt (2012), 185-200. (Helmut Schwichtenberg Festschrift volume.)
- And so on ... Reasoning with infinite diagrams, Synthese 186 (2012), 371-386.
- Review of Curtis Franks, The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge. Hilbert's program revisited, in Philosophia Mathematica. Series III, 20 no. 3 (2012), 387-400.
- On rereading van Heijenoort's Selected Essays, in Logica Universalis 6 no. 3-4 (2012), 535-552.
- Foundations of unlimited category theory: What remains to be done, The Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2013), 6-15.
- How a little bit goes a long way: Predicative foundations of analysis,, unpublished notes dating from 1977-1981, with a new introduction.
- About and around computing over the reals, in (B. J. Copeland, C. J. Posy and O. Shagrir, eds.) Computability. Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, MIT Press (2013), 55-76.
- Turing's Thesis: Ordinal logics and oracle computability, in Alan Turing: His Work and Impact (S. B. Cooper and J. van Leeuwen, eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam (2013), 145-150.