Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry
Here is a list of upcoming conferences involving algebraic geometry.
For more information, check on google. I intend to keep this list
vaguely up to date, but I make no guarantees.
Please help me keep this current. (I tend to update it roughly every month
unless someone gives me information directly.)
It certainly isn't complete. My definition of algebraic
geometry is broad, arbitrary, and changes with time.
(Kiran Kedlaya maintains
a similar
list in arithmetic geometry.)
September 9-December 13, 2024,
Paris, France:
three-month programme on "Post-quantum algebraic
cryptography", at the Institut Henri Poincare.
September 9 2024-January 31, 2025, Trieste, Italy (online):
school on: "Commutative Algebra; Toward Algebraic Geometry", at Physics Latam (online).
October 14-18, 2024, Rome, Italy: conference
on "Hyperkahler
varieties and related topics, II", at Sapienza University of Rome.
October 17-18, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden:
workshop "Algebraic Groups in a Broad Sense", at Stockholm University.
October 21-25, 2024, Beijing, China:
Sino-French Conference on Algebraic Geometry (in Memory of Prof. Gang Xiao), at the
Morningside Center.
October 25, 2024: Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry Seminar, at the University of Antwerp.
October 28-30, 2024, Brussels, Belgium: workshop "Tale of Geometries", at the Universite libre de Bruxelles.
October 28-November 1, 2024, Pasadena, CA:
"Higher Du Bois and higher rational singularities", at the American Institute of Mathematics. (The due date for the application is June 15, 2024.)
October 28-November 8, 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam:
School and Workshop on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, at the Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi.
November 4-8, 2024, Groningen, the Netherlands: Instructional workshop on rational points, at the University of Groningen.
November 4-8, 2024, Luminy, France: the "A1-homotopy in Interaction" conference, at CIRM Luminy.
November 7-10, 2024, Salt Lake City, UT:
conference on "Moduli of
Varieties", at the University of Utah.
November 8-10, 2024, Hanover, NH:
Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Series, at Dartmouth College
November 11, 2024, zoom:
"A tribute to Peter E. Newstead". (Advance registration required.)
November 16-17, 2024, Tucson, AZ: the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS), at the University of Arizona.
November 18-22, 2024, Durham, UK: workshop on computational algebraic geometry.
November 25-28, 2024, Leipzig, Germany:
"Macaulay2 in the Sciences" workshop, at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
November 25-29, 2024, Madrid, Spain: IberoSing International Workshop 2024: Low-dimensional Topology and Singularity Theory, at
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
November 26-28, 2024, Luxembourg:
workshop "Modern Methods in Moduli", at the University of Luxembourg.
December 4-6, 2024, Frankfurt, Germany:
Geometry without Geometry: A Combinatorial Christmas Workshop, at Goethe
University Frankfurt.
December 4-6, 2024, Toulouse, France:
conference "Contemporary glimpses on Grothendieck's mathematics
December 16-20, 2024, Seoul, Korea:
Enumerative Geometry in East Asia 2024, at KIAS.
December 16-20, 2024, Lancaster, UK:
Winter School, at Lancaster University.
December 17-18, 2024, Rome, Italy:
2024 Winter Meeting in Algebra and Geometry,
at Palazzo Argiletum of Roma Tre University.
January-February, 2025, Marseille, France:
Thematic Month on "Singularities, differential equations, and transcendence" (a program of 5 conferences), at CIRM (Marseile).
January-June, 2025, Toronto, Canada: Thematic Program on Commutative
Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute.
January 13-17, 2025, Zurich, Switzerland: "Algebraic geometry: a motivic view"
(a conference in honour of Marc Levine), at ETH Zurich (FIM).
January 27-31, 2025, Pasadena, CA: workshop on "Motives and mapping class groups", at the American Institute of Mathematics.
January 27-31, 2025, Munster, Germany:
workshop on "Model-theoretic methods for non-archimedean geometry", at the the University of Munster.
February 5-7, 2005, Barcelona, Spain: workshop "Birational Geometry: from
moduli to geography", at the University of Barcelona.
February 7-9, 2025, New York, NY: Hyperkahler Varieties, Derived Categories, and Moduli Spaces, at Columbia University.
March 3-7, 2025, Marseille, France: Winter school on K-stability, at the CIRM (Luminy).
March 3-7, 2025, Tokyo, Japan:
"Enumerative Geometry, Representation Theory, and Physics", at Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo.
March 3-July 31, 2025, Triste, Italy (online):
school on: "Algebraic Geometry", at Physics Latam (online).
March 10-14, 2025, Toronto, Canada:
Women in Commutative Algebra workshop, part of
the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute in spring 2025.
March 18-19, 2025, Hannover, Germany: spring workshop in algebraic geometry, at
the Leibniz Universitat Hannover.
March 21-23, 2025, Athens, Georgia: the
Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium, at the University of Georgia.
March 24-28, 2025, Munich, Germany: Algebraic Statistics conference.
March 24-28, 2025, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: conference on "Combinatorial Synergies in Geometry and Number Theory", at IMPA.
March 31-April 4, 2025, Frankfurt, Germany: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders,
at Goethe University Frankfurt.
May 5-16, 2025, Edinburgh, UK:
workshop "Algebra and Geometry from
Africa", at ICMS.
May 12-16, 2025, Tenerife, Spain: Mid-Atlantic Geometry and Singularities Conference, at Universidad de La Laguna.
May 26 - June 6, Rennes, France: Spring School
on the topic of Singularities in Algebraic Geometry.
June 1-7, 2025, Bedlewo, Poland: conference "Torus Actions and Characteristic, at IMPAN's Bedlewo Conference Center.
June 2-13, 2025, Toronto, Canada:
summer school for graduate students
"An Introduction to Recent Trends in Commutative Algebra", part of a six month Thematic Program on Commutative Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute.
June 2-20, 2025, Notre Dame, IN:
Thematic Program in Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry.
This thematic program will have three weeks:
a week for undergraduates June 2-6;
a week for graduate students June 9-13; and
a week with an international conference June 16-20.
June 9-13, 2025, Rome, Italy:
a conference "Harmonies in Moduli Spaces", in honor of Lucia Caporaso, at Universita Roma Tre.
June 9-13, 2025, Nordfjordeid, Norway: Nordfjordeid School on "Cluster Geometry".
June 9-28, 2025, Grenoble, France:
summer school on the "Cremona group", at the Instiut Fourier.
June 10-13, Rennes, France: Conference
on the topic of Singularities in Algebraic Geometry.
June 15-21, 2025, Guanajuato, Mexico:
conference on ``Singularities in Algebra and Geometry'' (honoring Karen Smith), at CIMAT.
June 16-20, 2025, Genova, Italy: conference "Modules and Rings: Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra: A conference in honor of Marilina Rossi", at the University of Genova.
June 16-20, 2025, Toulouse, France: Geometrie Algebrique en Liberte (GAeL XXXII), at the Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse.
June 23-July 4, 2025, Pisa, Italy:
Summer School on "Enumerative Geometry and Geometric Representation Theory",
at the Centro Congressi Le Benedettine.
July 2025- July 2026, online: Long-term program on "Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics", at Physics Latam.
July 7-11, 2025, Cetraro, Italy:
Workshop on Derived Categories, Noncommutative Geometry and Deformation Theory, at the Hotel San Michele.
July 7-11, 2025, Madison, WI: SIAM Applied Algebraic Geometry conference,
at the University of Wisconsin.
July 8-12, 2025, Fort Collins, CO: bootcamp for the 2025 Summer
Research Institute in Algebraic
Geometry, at Colorado State University.
July 14-August 1, 2025, Fort Collins, CO: the 2025 Summer
Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry
(the big every 10 year conference), at Colorado State University. The event will be stuctured largely along the lines of previous
meetings, with the first two weeks being devoted to more geometric
aspects, whereas during week 3 arithmetic aspects will prevail.
August 18-23, 2025, Split, Croatia:
the fifth European edition of the WIN-E (Women in Numbers - Europe) workshop.
July 23-30, 2026, Philadelphia, PA: the International
Congress of Mathematicians. (Stay tuned for announcements of
satellite conferences as well. Claire Voisin is chair of the ICM
2026 program committee so this will be great.)
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